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Top 6 Reasons to Use or DIY Natural Skin Care Products

Unlocking Radiant Skin: 6 Compelling Reasons to Embrace Natural Skin Care

Hey there, lovely readers! I'm Jen, a seasoned herbalist with 16 years of crafting organic remedies at JS&S. Today, I'm here to reveal the secrets of why you should make the switch to natural and organic skincare. Buckle up as we dive into the world of revitalized, glowing skin, naturally.
Woman applying cream on face, Photo by Sora Shimazaki

1. Soothe Your Skin: Nature's Healing Touch

Are you tired of your skin throwing tantrums and looking like it's in a constant state of rebellion? Say goodbye to those chemical-laden products that leave you feeling dry and irritated. Natural and organic skincare products are the soothing balm your skin craves. Think zinc oxide, tea tree oil, and lavender extract—gifts from Mother Nature herself, leaving your skin smooth and nourished, not sore and irritated.

2. Ancient Wisdom: Tried and True

"De Materia Medica" by Dioscorides is a pharmacopoeia of medicinal plants and the medicines that can be obtained from them. The five-volume work was written between 50 and 70 CE by Pedanius Dioscorides, a Greek physician in the Roman army. It was widely read for more than 1,500 years until supplanted by revised herbals in the Renaissance, making it one of the longest-lasting of all natural history and pharmacology books.
"De Materia Medica" by Dioscorides is a pharmacopoeia of medicinal plants and the medicines that can be obtained from them. The five-volume work was written between 50 and 70 CE by Pedanius Dioscorides, a Greek physician in the Roman army. It was widely read for more than 1,500 years until supplanted by revised herbals in the Renaissance, making it one of the longest-lasting of all natural history and pharmacology books.

Natural and organic ingredients have been in the skincare game long before synthetic chemicals came along. Our ancestors, wise souls that they were, harnessed the power of these botanical wonders for centuries. The best part? No nasty side effects. These ingredients are the real deal, proven through the ages, unlike those synthetic impostors with their laundry list of side effects.

3. If You Wouldn't Eat It, Don't Wear It!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Our skin is a master absorber, like a sponge ready to soak up whatever we apply to it. If you wouldn't eat the ingredients in your skincare, why let your skin feast on them? It's time to be conscious not only about what goes into your body but also what goes on it. Flip those product labels and ask yourself, "Would I ingest this?" If the answer is no, it's time for a skincare makeover.

4. Quality Over Quantity: Saving Your Skin and Wallet


Here's the deal: quality natural and organic ingredients not only benefit your skin but also your bank account in the long run. Whether you whip up your potions or trust reliable sources, you'll save money. These top-notch ingredients mean you use less product each time, ensuring your skincare lasts longer. Unlike chemical-based products that require layers upon layers, leaving you with dry skin and a lighter wallet.

5. Eco-Friendly Beauty: A Gift to the Planet

Photo by from Pexels

Synthetic chemicals harm more than just your skin; they pose a grave threat to the environment. The production process behind traditional skincare products wreaks havoc on ecosystems, from pollution-heavy mining to toxic emissions. Natural skincare ingredients, on the other hand, are Earth's own gifts, leaving a gentler footprint. Let's protect our planet while we pamper our skin.

6. Cruelty-Free and Ethical: Beauty with Compassion

Photo by Bennie Lukas Bester from Pexels

Let's talk ethics. It's shocking how many skincare giants still test their products on innocent animals. But the good news is that natural skincare artisans stand on the side of compassion. They champion cruelty-free practices, ensuring no harm comes to any living beings. Choosing natural skincare products means you're taking a stand against cruel testing methods and supporting a more empathetic beauty industry.

Ready to DIY? Here's Your Blueprint!

Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

Now, you might be wondering how to dive into the world of DIY natural skincare. Fear not! My journey started with my Master Herbalist certification, hours of online research, and delving into century-old botany books. Research is your friend, and trust me, it's worth every moment. For a head start, check out my website, where I've compiled a list of sustainably sourced botanical ingredients. It's a treasure trove to kickstart your natural skincare adventure.


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Photo by Angela Roma  from Pexels

So, there you have it, folks—six compelling reasons to embrace the beauty of natural skincare. Your skin will thank you, Mother Earth will thank you, and you'll bask in the glow of radiant, ethical beauty. It's time to make the switch and discover a world of natural wonders for your skin.

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