In my last post, we discussed the ingredients available for creating your own custom sugar scrub based on your skin care needs. If you’re just tuning in, be sure to take a moment to check the Skin Care Wish List here:
Not sure what your needs are or what to look for? Do you know what your skin needs are but don’t know what ingredients match with your needs?
I ask you to do this so that:
- You can get a good grasp of what your needs and wants for your skin are and match them with the herbaceous or floral plant that treats or aids those needs.
- THEN, visit the previous post: How to create your custom scrub given the ingredients I have chosen for your choices. I’ll meet you back here when you’re done.
At one point in time, I bet every single one of us has had to deal with acne in one form or another in our lifetime at one point, so we can all relate. (Unlike psoriasis, eczema, and similar skin conditions that we cannot all relate to.) Let’s say you've got a son who is in his teens, puberty, football team, great kid, but embarrassed in the locker room because of the acne on his back. Or a daughter who is struggling to accept that she really is beautiful… under the acne on her cheeks, chin, and forehead. We can consider a lady in her twenties, thirties, even forties who is on birth control. The testosterone in the birth control gives her a hormonal imbalance which is causing acne. There are many reasons/causes/embarrassing stories! So, go to the Skin Care Wish List and find the items that match your needs. Let’s do this together.
*tip: I even made a printable Wish List available on the top of the Wish List post if you so choose. I’ll meet you back here when you are done with the Skin Care Wish List and the Custom Scrub post (if it feels like I’m giving you homework, I apologize. I sincerely hope that you do not feel that way, with me giving you an “assignment” if you will. I truly hope that you take your natural skincare needs seriously and I am trying to help you in that venture in any way that I can. Should you have ANY questions at all, feel free to comment at the end of the posts)
Are you back? Here’s what I got for Acne Natural Skin Care Needs:
- Tea Tree Oil
- Grape Seed Oil
- Sunflower Oil
- Ground by hand Rolled Whole Oatmeal
- St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
- Dried Nettles
- Dried Lavender
- Thyme
- Lemon Balm
- Aloe
Infusion is the process of extracting chemical compounds or flavors from plant material in a solvent such as water, oil or alcohol, by allowing the material to remain suspended in the solvent over time (a process often called steeping). An infusion is also the name for the resultant liquid. SourceHere is a highlight on those infusions in my apothecary cabinet:

Rose and Chamomile Infused with Grape Seed Oil
What does this concoction do?Rose Petals contain tons of Vitamin C. They are known to help in healing sunspots and are also a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Chamomile helps to relieve symptoms of eczema and is known to calm dry and irritated skin. Also, they are an antioxidant, natural antiseptic and even have antimicrobial properties.
Grapeseed oil is known to help restore collagen in the skin and aids in skin balancing, helps to prevent acne, aging, wrinkle and scar reduction.

Thyme infused with Pure Witch Hazel
What does this concoction do?Thyme is more effective for treating acne caused by an acne bacterium than standard creams containing benzoyl peroxide – without the irritating side effects. Has an antiseptic and antifungal property that cleanses, heals and soothes inflamed skin. Thyme is often used for deep cleansing. Pure Witch Hazel is a natural astringent and helps deep clean oily skin. It can soothe red, irritated skin while helping to prevent acne.

Nettles infused with Grape Seed Oil
What does this concoction do?Nettles have the natural ability to calm and sooth inflammation, which makes it the perfect choice for helping problematic skin. This plant has shown to have a number of protective antioxidants that help reduce free radical damage to the skin, providing anti-aging benefits. It’s effective against microorganisms, helping to kill off bacteria and fungi. This makes it effective against acne and as a natural preservative in skin care products. Grape Seed Oil is a restorative of collagen, skin balancing, and prevention of acne and aging.

Calendula infused with Olive Oil
What does this concoction do?Mild and soothing, great for dry or chapped skin, has antiseptic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. Calendula acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Olive Oil is rich in antioxidants, prevents skin aging, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Also, nourishes, rejuvenates and protects the skin. It is rich in vitamin E & A, helps prolong youth, hydrates the skin, maintains elasticity and softness and even helps skin cells regenerate.

Thyme infused with Sunflower Oil
What does this concoction do?Anti-aging and Effective at treating blemishes caused by acne bacterium Thyme is more effective for treating acne caused by an acne bacterium than standard creams containing benzoyl peroxide – without the irritating side effects. Has an antiseptic and antifungal property that cleanses, heals and soothes inflamed skin. Thyme is often used for deep cleansing. Sunflower Oil Creates a protective layer that prevents bacteria from making direct contact with your skin thus it prevents acne. An antioxidant, sunflower oil has anti-inflammatory properties and omega-6 fatty acids as well.
Nettles infused with Grape Seed Oil
Calendula infused with Olive Oil
Thyme infused with Sunflower Oil
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