Even though we're supposed to get yet another ice/sleet/snow storm here in TN tomorrow night, I still feel the call of coming Springtime! I love digging in my garden, planting seeds and transplanting from the greenhouse!
Most people that know me know that I am OBSESSED with my garden come spring time. Feeling the itch to get that shovel in my hands y'all! I've got ideas in my head, new species of plants and seeds and I just can't wait to start seeing the beauty around me grow! So in the meantime, while I wait impatiently for the frost to melt, the snow to dissipate and the roots to take hold again in the abundant organic soil on my homestead, I decided that sharing some of the photos from years past would suffice. I shared with you some of the photos in a past post, this is I suppose the continuation...✿✿✿Yes...lets continue, shall we?
If you missed the previous post, view here.